Podcast with Lynda Griparic – How breathing therapy can change your life

In this episode we cover;

  • What Buteyko breathing is and what are other forms of breathing techniques
  • How dysfunctional breathing affects digestive function
  • What some signs of dysfunctional breathing might look like
  • How dysfunctional breathing affects our behaviour and mental health
  • Why it’s important to breathe through the nose
  • How breath affects mitochondrial health
  • What Rosalba’s thoughts are on cold therapy, such as Ice baths and face baths
  • What Rosalba’s daily breathing practice looks like
  • Practical tips for us and so much more

Podcast – ‘Life is in the Breath’ Dr Ron Ehrlich and Dr Rosalba Courtney

You can go without food or water or even sleep but a few minutes of not breathing and you can’t survive. Dr. Rosalba Courtney joins us to explore the importance of breathing and some tips to breathe well. What does it mean to breathe well? Why is this so important? Why is it important to breathe through your nose? What impact it has on your body?
