The full Integrative Breathing Therapy practitioner training!

Our next course begins 25 Feb 2025
We’re getting lots of interest! This is one not to miss!
This course is for Health Professionals. If you are not a Health Professional but are well experienced in breathing therapy, and would like to be considered for the course, do contact us.
Payment plans available.
Contact us here
Learn how to optimise results for your patients with multi-dimensional and individualised breathing retraining and breathing therapy
Are you confused about the many types of breathing therapy
and breathing retraining approaches?
Do you want to have expert skills and professional level understanding
of the art and science of breathing?
Join us for this comprehensive and evidence based training course, with six months of online learning and mentoring with Dr Rosalba Courtney DO, PhD, followed by a further 5 months of clinical application.
This course is for health professionals who either:
- want to add evidence based breathing therapy and breathing retaining to their clinical skills, or
- build on existing skills and knowledge in their area.
This course is ideal for health professionals from physical therapy, osteopathy, breathing therapy, sleep medicine, orofacial myology, speech and voice therapy, respiratory psychophysiology, integrative medicine, sport and exercise science, or for any professional with a keen interest in the world of breathing therapies.

Join us for 6 months, with live weekly online tutorials, followed by 5 months clinical application! We want to ensure you have time to implement what you learn and fine tune your skills!
Why do this course?
We believe this is the most comprehensive breathing therapy course available. It is about mastering the science and practical skills of breathing therapy and breathing retraining.
Many difficult to treat patients, unresponsive to standard treatment can improve when their breathing issues are addressed.
What’s included?
You’ll receive:
online lectures
live weekly online tutorials
course notes
the most current research
weekly support as you treat five of your own patients
This course will provide you with the essential theoretical knowledge and practical skills needed to be an effective practitioner of modern evidence based and multi-disciplinary breathing therapy.
One breathing method does not fit all patients!
This course promotes individualised treatment, reflective practice and critical thinking rather than any particular dogma.
On completion of assessments and case study reports you will be eligible
for certification as a practitioner of Integrative Breathing Therapy.
Be able to assess and treat multi-dimensional aspects of dysfunctional breathing using evidence based tools.
Become skilled in a range of evidenced based breathing therapies, and most importantly, you will know which approach is best for each patient.
Get a deep understanding of the biomechanics, biochemistry and psychophysiology of the breath.
Understand why breathing therapy needs to be tailored to each patient.
Learn how to combine these skills with your clinical practice to enhance patient care.
Be mentored as you treat 5 of your own patients.
This course is not limited to teaching one type of breathing retraining.

By the end of this course you will understand how and when to utilise techniques such as:
The Butyeko breathing technique
Resonance Frequency Breathing
Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback
Intermittent Hypoxic Training
Mindful-Breath and Movement
Resistance training breathing
Dynamic breathing
You will learn how to work with clinical protocols developed by Dr. Courtney such as Integrative Nasal Rehabilitation, Cranial Breathing, The Breathing Basics and other components of Functional Breathing Retraining.
This course will teach you how to use a full range of validated assessment tools.
You will learn how to apply and interpret the results of assessment tools that address biochemical, biomechanical and psychophysiological dimensions of breathing. These include validated questionniares (including the MARM, the NQ), breathing pattern assessment (the MARM, Hi Lo), physiological measures (capnometry, heart rate variability, breath hold time), upper airway assessment and specific breathing challenges.
On completion of all course components and assessment tasks you will receive a certificate as an Integrative Breathing Therapy Practitioner (Level 1).
Much of the material presented in this course is unavailable elsewhere!

Dr Rosalba Courtney PhD
“I’m really excited to be making this course available. I see it as the culmination of my life’s work. Over the decades I’ve been working with breathing therapy and retraining in my clinical practice and I have seen some amazing benefits for people with various conditions and I’ve become more and more aware of the broad and diverse body of knowledge about both the art and science of breathing.
In recent years I’ve seen breathing become popular, gaining public attention across many countries, different interest groups and various professions. However, many people are unaware of the full scope of what breathing can do and I think that the therapeutic and healing potential of breathing is not being realised.
However standards vary and there is a lot of contradiction and confusion. This course is to professionalise and set a standard for breathing training that’s appropriate for health professionals wanting to include breathing modalities into their practitioner tool kit.
Please read about this course to see if its what you have been looking forward. If it is I look forward to you joining me.”
Summary of the course
Introductory online meeting – 25 February 2025
Before the course itself formally begins, we will have our first online meeting to meet Rosalba, get to know each other and get an overview of the course itself.
Weeks 1-4 The foundations of breathing therapy and the science of breathing
In these first few weeks you will build the foundations required to understand and skilfully apply the more clinical oriented material presented in the next sections of the course. Live online weekly tutorials.
Weeks 5-17 Multimodal and individualised breathing therapy/retraining
In this section you will learn how to assess and treat all dimensions of dysfunctional breathing as well as how to use breathing training as an adjunctive tool for management of various conditions and improved physical and psychological health and athletic performance. The assessment tools will include validated measures for evaluating the biochemical, biomechanical and psychophysiological dimensions of breathing. You will also learn a range of evidence based breathing therapy/retraining methods and understand how to apply these skilfully in patients with various conditions. Live online weekly tutorials.
You will also research and write up a 1000-2000 word written literature review of a breathing topic of your choice, and prepare a presentation of this work to present to your tutorial group in the next section of the course.
Weeks 18-23 Clinical focus and grand rounds
You will now have 6 weeks learning the treatment protocol to asses and treat patients using all the IBT assessment protocols and breathing techniques. This is where you really get to implement and embed your new skills.
You will also present your brief 15-20min presentation of your literature review to your tutorial group.
Five case studies with five months mentoring support
To receive the certificate of Integrative Breathing Therapy you will be required to write up 5 case studies from your own patients. To best assist you as you apply the IBT assessment tools and breathing therapies to your patients, we will provide an additional 5 months of mentoring tutorials to answer questions and provide guidance.
Integrative breathing therapy practitioner certificate
To receive the certificate of Integrative Breathing Therapy you will be required to;
- view all recorded lectures and read course material
- attend 80% of tutorials
- complete written literature review and tutorial presentation
- write case reports on 5 cases.
Proposed weekly tutorial times – you choose one. This may be adjusted slightly once we know where all the attendees live – we will do our best to accommodate all time zones and work commitments – yes, this last can be a challenge!