“The Role of Oropharyngeal Development, From Fetus To Adult: Craniofacial Structure and Posture-Rehabilitation and Reversal of Epigenetic Mutation”

I’m very pleased to be presenting at this Congress:

‘Functional Breathing Retraining for Sleep Apnea Phenotypes – Learning from Precision Medicine’
4.45-5.45pm Friday 7 Sept 2018

The Congress is sure to be a rewarding 5 days for anyone with an interest in this field!

Thematic Sections in Separate Rooms:

•History of Craniofacial Intervention
•Sleep -Pulmonology -Neurology -Psychiatry -Dental Sleep
•Surgery -Sleep Surgery -Oral Surgery -Soft Tissue
•Dentistry -Orthodontic -Paediatric Dental -Dental Hygiene
•Psychology of Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs)
•Early Intervention, from Pregnancy to Newborn
•Chewing, Nutrition, and Diet
•Speech-Language Pathology
•Occupational Therapy
•Lactation Consulting
•Public Health

For more info or to register click here