Breathing with Dr. Rosalba Courtney – Rational Wellness Podcast video
Dr Rosalba Courtney discusses her Integrative Breathing Therapy and other interesting aspects of breathing and breathing dysfunction.
DetailsDr Rosalba Courtney discusses her Integrative Breathing Therapy and other interesting aspects of breathing and breathing dysfunction.
DetailsThe diaphragm is your most important breathing muscle. Diaphragm breathing means breathing into your lower rib cage and belly rather than into your upper chest. Here is a guided instruction on how to do it.
DetailsHyperventilation means overbreathing to the point where there is depletion of CO2. It’s caused by many things, including stress, anxiety and conditions such as asthma.
DetailsHeart rate variability mean that our heart rate does not stay the same all the time – it interacts with many things including our breathing. When we breathe in our heart rate tends to go up and it slows down when we breathe out. The healthier you are the greater your heart rate variability.
DetailsThe new epidemics affecting modern children’s health include asthma, allergies, behavioural and learning difficulties. To really fix these problems we need to pay attention to the fundamentals such as diet, environment, gut health, love and connection, breathing and sleep.
DetailsAsthma and sleep apnea often co-exist. Sleep apnea can lead to more frequent and severe asthma, and pre-existing asthma increases your chances of developing sleep apnea. Breathing training has been shown to help sufferers of both asthma and sleep apnea improve their health.
DetailsAsthma affects 1 in 10 people in Australia, that’s about 2 million people and about 655 million dollars is spent on asthma every year according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Breathing retaining, relaxation and manual therapy can improve dysfunctional breathing. Research has shown that after breathing training asthmatics often have less symptoms, less medication and better quality of life.
DetailsThe vagus is the most important nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system. It is involved in the healing response and feelings of calm and wellbeing and can be stimulated in various ways, including resonant frequency breathing.